At the time, the director of the local chamber of commerce was a woman married to a man who represented deed holders. The chamber director, of course, was obligated to continue to present The Valley (and Sugarbush) in the best light possible. Her husband was obligated to represent his deed holders.

At the time there were questions of conflict of interest and the appropriateness of husband and wife being involved in this legal battle. At the time, <MI>The Valley Reporter<D>, in this space, noted that it was inappropriate to paint either independent professional with the sins and legal battles of the other. Neither party could be considered the other's chattel and hence they should be allowed to perform their jobs as professionals.

Fast forward a decade to the Waitsfield water project. <MI>The Valley Reporter<D> received a letter this week wherein the writer questions the appropriateness of the chair of the select board (Kate Williams) and the chair of the school board (Rob Williams) both exercising their elected duties with regard to this project.

 "Are there policies or procedures that address a situation where the chair of the select board and chair of the school board, from the same household, are promoting/voting on the same project in their respective venues?" the letter writer asks.

To that question we respond the same way we did back then. The select board chair is an elected official who carries out the duties of the job via countless hours of volunteer time on behalf of the town. The chair of the Waitsfield School Board is also an elected official who likewise volunteers equally numerous hours of his time for the good of the community school.

Regardless of their obvious connection (married with kids and a house and a yak farm), is it really reasonable to scrutinize these two people as if they were part and parcel of each other - one some sort of appendage of the other, politically or otherwise?

Is it not insulting to the skills and capabilities of each to reduce them to the chattel? Is it not fairly obvious that neither stands to gain financially from the success or failure of the water project? These are two competent professionals who chose to donate their time to the town. Let's not cast either one of them as chattel to the other, please.
