This year the demand has risen. There are over 100 families in need of help to have a Thanksgiving dinner. The Valley Reporter/Interfaith Council program has changed slightly this year so that 100 percent of funds donated go directly to the council and the food shelf to provision the baskets.

The stagnant economy has impacted all of us. Many of those with jobs are not getting raises, fuel costs are up, food costs are up (property taxes are always up!). Times are tough.

What is remarkable this year is the number of individuals and families who are stopping by our offices (or mailing checks earmarked for the project) to contribute to the program.

Many don't care about any type of public acknowledgement in the <MI>The Valley Reporter<D>. Some donors have more means than others, some are older and some are younger.

A local mother brought her two young children to the office last week with what appeared to be the contents of their piggy banks to make a contribution to the program.

That's humbling. That's impressive. That's enough to restore one's faith in humankind, or at least the kind of humans who live here.

Thank you to all who have contributed and all who have yet to contribute. The fact that you care about your neighbors being hungry means a lot. It says a lot about you and a lot about this community. 
