Because the procrastinators and studiers and status quo people are hearing loudly from the insurance, medical and pharmaceutical industries that have the largest financial stake in preventing change.

The Washington Post published an article this week detailing which senators had received the most contributions from hospitals, insurers and other medical interest groups. It should come as no surprise that the procrastinators - Republicans, Blue Dog Democrats and other Democrats like - received significant contributions.

Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana), chair of the Senate Finance Committee is the leading recipient of such funds. The health care industry and its employees gave Baucus' political committees almost $1.5 million in 2007 and 2008.

During the first three months of 2009, the health industry gave $5.4 million to Democrats. A significant amount of that $5.4 million has gone to Baucus, Iowa, Republican Charles Grassley (ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee) and other moderate senators as well.

There is no way accepting these funds won't result in senators being beholden to the donors and their wishes. Many elected officials, sadly, are far more influenced by these donations than they are by what is best for their constituents and the rest of the country.

Without a public hue and cry, without constituents calling, emailing, writing letters and making their wishes known, the opportunity for affecting real change in how health care is provided in this country will be lost.
