Vermont’s education funding system is complicated and confusing, we get that. But there is a level of misunderstanding and misinformation about our twice-defeated school budget that exceeds the flaws of the program.





Let’s start with the fact that all property wealth in the state of Vermont is socialized. That means that all towns and school districts send ALL the money they raise to Montpelier. The ed funding formula makes some sausage and all districts and towns receive a per pupil allotment that reflects that district or town need.

That means that some towns send more money than they get back, and some towns get back more money than they send. That’s because of a 1997 Supreme Court decision requiring that all Vermont students receive equal educational opportunities. There’s nothing wrong with that concept, all kids do deserve equal educational opportunities, but the execution of it in our state has been flawed and has gotten worse over time. That is what it is, and our esteemed legislators are forming a study committee so don’t expect any real change anytime soon.

Our taxes are going up even though our tax rate will go down slightly if the third budget passes on May 30 because other districts are increasing their spending and all districts are facing very large health care cost increases.

The information to understand how property taxes are going up is not 100% oblique. It is explained clearly and often at school district board meetings where there are easy to understand slide decks and presentations. Find those at, click on ‘menu’ then ‘board’, then ‘board meetings’ then select ‘agendas.’ Select the date, the most recent meeting was May 8.  When that document opens, scroll down to the agenda item for budget and there are clickable links for the slide decks.

It's disturbing that there is so much mis- and disinformation circulating about this third vote. Don’t we as citizens in a democracy and citizens striving to provide our kids with a good education that we can afford, have at least some minimal obligation to inform ourselves. Go to the source for this information before throwing up your hands. And please vote on May 30.