The world is a harsh place some days and the news is often hard to read. That’s why it’s noteworthy when we get to report on good news.

When National Trails Day rolls around this year on June 1, the Mad River Valley will be celebrating 18 trailhead kiosks at recreation trail access points in Warren, Waitsfield and Fayston. There’s a lot to celebrate about that accomplishment.

It’s the first time that such consistent wayfaring signage has gone up in The Valley and that’s a step in the right direction in terms of creating a single recognizable collateral to help visitors and locals find their way around. The maps feature trail data and detailed descriptions for all users of our mountain biking, hiking, pedestrian and other trail networks.

The Mad River Valley Trailhead Kiosk and Mapping Project was led by the Valley Trails Collaborative, representing 13 organizations focused on trails and recreation in The Valley. In addition to the collaborative the project brought together multiple other community organizations whose members helped with volunteer work, grant applications, the site map, the lumber for the kiosks and more.

The other good news this week is that our largest business received a climate change impact award. The National Ski Areas Association awarded Sugarbush a Golden Eagle Climate Change Impact Award last week. The award recognized the resort’s efforts to reduce its energy use and carbon emissions. Sugarbush also invested in and developed 2.5 megawatts of solar energy in partnership with Green Lantern Solar. That’s more than enough energy to power Mount Ellen annually.

The resort has reduced its metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2) emissions by 24.4 percent since 2014, which adds up to more than 1,000 tons. During that same time period Sugarbush reduced electricity emissions by 51.5 percent. That’s real and significant change in the last five years. How many of us have reduced our carbon footprint by a quarter in the last five years?

Let’s celebrate these two great stories about local people, local businesses and local organizations that are walking the walk and making a difference locally as well as globally.

Thanks for caring.