Amurtel president Joni Zweig checks out the details of this year’s International Boutique, a fundraiser for Amurtel.

This holiday season, shop in the exotic bazaars and markets of over a dozen countries, without leaving Vermont, and get great gifts at wholesale prices.

The 39th annual International Boutique opens this Saturday, December 7, and runs through December 14. This year the sale offers a selection of thick pile carpets - Tibetan, Kashmiri, and Persian (2 feet by 3 feet to 11 feet by14 feet), as well as Kilim rugs, great jewelry, cashmere blankets, silk scarves, wall hangings, pillow covers, unusual clothes, fleece-lined wool hats, unique handicrafts and fun ornaments from all over the world. 

The boutique is a benefit for Amurtel; all profits support projects for women and children here in Vermont and around the world.

Sale hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday and weekdays at the Masonic Lodge on Route 100 in Waitsfield Village.