Mad River Seniors (MRS) will launch its first annual Mad Reverse Raffle on Saturday morning, May 13, outside of Mehuron’s Market in Waitsfield. According to Dave Goldstein, MRS board member and raffle coordinator, “It’s a chance to win a $5,000 grand prize.  Only 150 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket.  It’s all in good fun and for a great cause—supporting Mad River Seniors, Meals on Wheels, and Free Wheelin’.”



The Mad Reverse Raffle is like a classic raffle, only in reverse. Instead of drawing the winning ticket first, all non-winning tickets will be drawn until only the winner remains. According to Goldstein, tickets will be on sale until they sell out to the 150 limited contestants. The winner will be announced at the Warren Fourth of July parade.

How does it work? Beginning May 13, MRS will sell raffle tickets at Mehuron’s Market, 9 am-12 pm on Saturday mornings and on its website at Tickets will also be available on select Saturdays at the Farmers Market or by contacting Dave Goldstein directly at dave_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 973-534-3965.


From June 19 until June 24, instead of drawing the winning number, a group of non-winning tickets will be drawn each day, until only five finalists remain. At the Warren Fourth of July parade, four of the finalists will be eliminated and a grand prize winner of $5,000 will be announced. The four finalists will also receive $200 each, and one of the 145 non-winning tickets will receive a booby prize of $200.

Goldstein noted, “We think a lot of folks will want to take a chance and support Mad River Seniors at a tremendously important time. Our organization has been hit hard by rapidly rising food prices and other costs. Older neighbors rely on our organization to provide Meals On Wheels and many other activities and services that support their health and wellness.”

For more information about Mad River Seniors or the Mad Reverse Raffle, visit or contact Goldstein, reverse raffle organizer: dave_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   973-534-3965.