All are welcome to join the artists for a reception celebrating this year’s Vermont Watercolor Society’s juried show Fall Into Color, on October 23, from 3 to 5 p.m.  at the Gallery at Mad River Valley Arts. At this annual Vermont Watercolor Society award show presentation, 13 awards will be revealed and given out during the reception.



The winners of the awards are kept secret until the opening reception. The awards are given in the following categories: Best in Show, first place, second place and third place awards. There are five awards of excellence in the following categories: Landscape, Still Life, Abstract, Figurative and Animal/Wildlife. There are four donor awards: The Whittier Memorial Award (for realism in watercolor), The Dorothy Yoder Memorial Award (for innovative and experimental technique) and the Selin and Selin Award and Moosewalk Studios Award which are open for the juror to assign. The awards juror was the acclaimed watercolor artist Antonio Masi, the president of the American Watercolor Society.

The show is open October 23 through December 16, 2022. The gallery is closed Thanksgiving weekend. Regular hours are Wednesday through Friday and most Saturdays from 1 to 5 p.m.