To The Editor:

I am not a resident of Waitsfield, but I have watched the increasingly rancorous civil discourse there with growing dismay. Waitsfield is the "downtown" for Fayston residents, too, and after this week's Valley Reporter account of a recent select board meeting, I am compelled to speak out.

I have known Robin Morris, a member of the Waitsfield Water Commission, for some time and know him to be conscientious, knowledgeable and generous with his time, his counsel and his talents. I was appalled by the irresponsible comments made by some of the select board members about Mr. Morris, in particular, and the Waitsfield Water Commission, in general. There will always be people who say some process or another isn't fair; that's not a signal for select board members to leap into a process of which they are apparently willfully ignorant. If there's to be a water commission, for goodness' sake let them do the work they were charged with!

The town of Waitsfield, in fact any town in Vermont, must rely on the good will of volunteers to accomplish the town's business. To publicly excoriate those volunteers is bad management from elected officials and bad manners from anyone. The select board owes Mr. Morris and the hard-working commission members an apology, to say the least.

Dinsmore Fulton
