To The Editor:

  1. Do not be afraid to call 911, even if you think you must be crazy hearing a freight train roaring behind your bedroom wall.
  2. Menopausal insomnia does have its benefits, when it sends you home early from the slopes just in time to intercept the fire before it breaks out and destroys the whole house.
  3. We are blessed with great neighbors – Tom Barefoot emanates calm from his core and Ron Hunkins is Johnny-on-the-spot with a helpful hand.
  4. The Warren Volunteer Fire Department is a crew of professional, respectful, efficient, thorough and humorous men.  The Vermont fire cause and origins expert was effusive in his admiration for their work stating that the firemen did a tremendous job and he was surprised by the limited collateral damage inflicted while putting out the fire.
  5. Make sure your insurance premiums are paid up!

With sincere thanks to all the firemen who showed up to save our home.

Patty and Mark Giometti



