
10/23/2008 To The Editor: I'd like to take a moment to urge the voters of the Mad River Valley to re-elect Carol ...

10/23/2008 To the Editor: I have not been bashful in documenting my disapproval of our junior senator in these pages, and I ...

10/23/2008  To The Editor: While Anthony Pollina appears to be making a strong showing for governor around the state, it is really ...

10/23/2008  To The Editor:      I would like to make my fellow constituents aware of the excellent job Maxine Grad is doing ...

10/23/2008 To The Editor: I am a strong supporter of the education and the sports program that takes place at Harwood Union. ...

10/23/2008  To The Editor: Carol Hosford has been representing Valley residents in the Vermont Legislature for four years. It is time for ...

10/23/2008 To The Editor: Kudos and many thanks to local Warren resident Samantha Seymour for coordinating and hosting the "It Happened to ...
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